Compelling Exploration

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To Know You Is To Love YOU

Many years ago, after being married for eighteen years and going through a divorce, I gifted myself one year of dating only myself.  I wanted to figure out who I really was, what I liked, didn’t like, and how I wished to spend my time. I wanted to get to know myself in the way I would want to get to know someone I was interested in and could potentially fall in love with, and I knew it would take some time. The outcome has been a wonderful love affair of self-love in a way I could not have imagined.  

That year I intentionally treated myself kinder, became more patient with myself, and I took the time to feel into what felt good or not so good. I allowed myself to play, have fun, try new things, and not judge but inquire deeper. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried things that scared or intimidated me. I experimented with new genres of music, books, and movies and found that my interests are far and wide. I cried when I needed to cry, rested when I needed to rest, and I said yes to more and no to more, depending on how it fit into my day and desire. By the end of the year and for the first time in my life, I clearly articulated what I wanted in my life and what I didn’t, and my boundaries became well defined. Most importantly, I stopped pressuring myself to be someone I wasn’t and fell in love with who I am. 

 The good news is you don’t have to go through a life-changing event to fall in love with yourself, rediscover yourself, or even just liven things up. We all know that relationships require time and attention, and the experts tell us to keep it fresh by going on date nights and trying something new.  The relationship we have with ourselves is no different.

Today, I encourage you to start courting yourself.  Do something fun and spontaneous, nurture yourself, laugh with yourself, spend time with yourself, and allow yourself to fall in love. YOU deserve to be loved by the best.