Let Now Be Now
As I do most mornings upon rolling out of bed, I made myself a cup of coffee, grabbed my Morning Pages journal, and then wandered to the spot that was calling me to sit and write. Today that place was my backyard as some mornings, the temperature is just right, and I love the meditative sound of the birds chirping, the silence of the crisp air, and the soft rustling of leaves barely being brushed by a breeze.
When I got myself all settled and comfy in my seat and began to write, the beautiful silence was instantly broken by the neighbors yelling at each other and then shrieks of laughter of kids playing nearby. My first thought was, seriously, it's too early. Why are they up already? Soon after, my sweet and mostly quiet dogs began barking obnoxiously loud at someone passing by on the other side of their fence and would not for the life of me listen to my pleas to silence them.
I immediately started to feel frustrated by the interruptions to my quiet space and time and could feel tension entering my body as my shoulders began to rise. I considered going back inside the house but felt agitated at this thought because that is not where I was called to be this morning. As I sat there, I took in a deep breath, and out of nowhere, I softly heard this tiny voice in my head whisper, "stop, just stop, be present, pay attention to what is and not what you think it should be." And, so I did. I put my pen down, I closed my eyes, and I listened.
Soon, I noticed the neighbors were no longer yelling, and the children's laughter and glee were bringing a smile to my face. I heard birds wings flapping as they flew from tree to tree and the chirping and singing of others in conversation it seemed. The dogs stopped barking and were happily playing chase with each other and running free. As soon as I became present and let go of any expectation of how it was supposed to be, I felt my shoulders start to relax, my breath became quiet, and all my senses came alive. I felt at peace.
Moments later, the kids went back inside their home, worn-out dogs laid down to rest, all was quiet again, and I picked up my pen and began to write.
How many times in our days and lives do we become frustrated because things are not exactly how we want them to be?
What magic and beauty are we missing out on because we don't stop to be present and take in what is?
I invite you to become aware of these moments, become present in them, and just watch how it will transform not only your mood but your day.
Hugs of H.O.P.E 🌺