The Gift

Today, you were given a gift. This gift did not arrive in your mailbox. It was not given to you by a friend or family member, nor did it come wrapped in pretty paper with a bow.

Every morning we awake, we are given the gift of a new day. A day we have never seen before. It may look like yesterday and may even feel like yesterday, but it is not. Although many of us will assume we do, we do not know what wonder awaits us, so we will approach the day as if it were a day we have seen many times.

What if you didn't, though?

What if, just for today, you viewed every moment as a first?

What if you allowed yourself to be present and notice all the small stuff, like how your coffee smells or tastes, while allowing yourself to savor that first sip?

What if, as you drove yourself to and from work, you stayed out of your head and intentionally stayed present in your surroundings? Is it possible you'll see what you have never seen before?

What if, when encountering others, you said hello with enthusiasm as if this was the most incredible day of your life? Maybe it is!

In a world where we often feel we have little control, we can control how we approach each moment in our day. We can replace the mundane with anticipation as we face the newness in each experience, staying open to new possibilities and seeing this day as the gift it is.

Oh, and what if you practiced this all week?

I wish you a week of possibilities that fill your soul!

