It seems that lately, different opportunities have been coming my way. The timing is interesting because, as I mentioned in last week's email, I have become clear and focused on where I will give my time and energy in the coming months. Looking back through some of my writings, I came across the following. I wrote this just a little over two years ago, and re-reading it was the reminder I needed. I hope that maybe it will resonate with you too.
When I was in my early twenties, someone near and dear to me gave me a card that read, "To thine own self be true." I hate admitting this, but I didn't understand. What did being true to myself mean? It took me many years before I fully comprehended this powerful advice.
Everyday life deals us a hand, and we have choices to make. Some are enticing, sexy, and alluring and can seduce us into moving away from our truth and personal goals, and others are no-brainers. I wish life dealt more no-brainers, but oh no. I seem to attract the sexy and seductive choices my ego eats up. I spend hours ruminating over what I should do and negotiating with myself to choose even though my gut is screaming the answer. Why do I do this? I 'should' all over myself. My ego has won more times than I can count, leaving in its aftermath unhappiness, depleted energy, lack of joy, and waking up in the morning feeling heavy before the day has even begun.
To thine own self be true isn't just a catchy quote on a greeting card. It is the key ingredient to a fulfilling life and flows into everything we touch. When we are true to ourselves, we are happier. We have more energy, we are kinder, we are helpful, and we have more to give to those around us. Nothing about being true to yourself is selfish. It is the oxygen mask that drops on the airplane. Take care of yourself first so you can take care of others.
The next time something sexy and alluring comes your way that could detour your true desires, I invite you to ask yourself if it allows you to stay true to yourself, your goals, and your passions or if the ego is trying once again to steal the show.
I wish you a week of possibilities that fill your soul!