Avoid going into crisis mode:
Even though we have all been thrown for a loop of the most unimaginable kind, staying calm and clear-headed will serve you far better. Stay informed but not immersed in the news, social media scare posts, or reading everyone's two cents. If you chose to be online or watching TV, seek out what you enjoy, stimulates your brain, and what just plain makes you feel good and happy. It's okay.
Toss the self-doubt that is trying to creep in:
You have overcome many scary, trying, and unknown things in your lifetime, and you are sitting here today. You will overcome this time as well and maybe even come out of it shining a little brighter. It is during the most trying times of our lives that we learn the most about ourselves. It is up to you how you chose to use that newfound information for your betterment. It is in doing this that we control what we can and let the rest go.
Keep moving in the directions of your goals and desires:
We may be self-isolating and social distancing right now, and many of you may feel like life is in a standstill. This is not the time to stop trying or moving forward. Today more than ever is the perfect time to become creative, think out of the box, and find ways to meet your goals in ways unimagined up until now. As Marie Forleo says, "Everything is Figureoutable."
Take care of yourself:
Eat your greens (maybe canned at this point), drink your water, exercise and/or play outside if possible. Play a board game, read, journal, do an art project, watch sitcoms, unwind. Permit yourself time to enjoy what you can right now and most importantly, be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best you can.
Remember, being confident is the key to obtaining our goals and desires today, tomorrow, and beyond. Confidence is like a muscle in that it must be consistently used in order to maintain it. Confidence is not static, and like most things in life, it will ebb and flow. Use these tips to keep your confidence in check during this surreal time in our lives.
Stay healthy and in peace. 🌸